Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon

Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal. Hotel Review by TravelPlusStyle. Photo © Bairro Alto Hotel
Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal. Hotel Review by TravelPlusStyle. Photo © Bairro Alto Hotel
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Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal. Hotel Review by TravelPlusStyle. Photo © Bairro Alto Hotel
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Categories: Boutique hotels, Business hotels, City hotels, Classic luxury, Culture & heritage, Luxury hotels, Nightlife, Shopping, Sightseeing,

Number of rooms & suites: 55

Rate per night: From $270 USD

*The rate is only approximate and is based on our own independent research, at the time of writing. We cannot guarantee the rate in any way.

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Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon on a map

Bairro Alto Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal

Author: Travel+Style. Last updated: 30/08/2024

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